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         All rights, copyright of the web content of these web pages are owned and is the exclusive property of RRCIS and protected by the laws which apply in the countries we operate in and international copyrights laws.  Further, all software used on this website is the property of RRCIS or its software suppliers, its affiliates, and is protected by local and international copyright laws.  RRCIS reserves the right to change these terms and conditions if the need arises at its sole discretion.  


         RRCIS grants you limited, revocable, and non-exclusive right to access on the use of this site including but not limited to download (except page caching) part of RRCIS website.  Further, the website content or materials on site, may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, stored in or transmitted on any other website or other means for commercial purposes and/or to create a false, misleading, derogatory, or offensive matter directly or indirectly against the company, without the express written permission and approval of R&R Canadian Immigration Services Ltd. (RRCIS) upon request.


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